

Mergea piesa asta: Tale of Us – Dark song, vinul se prelinge usor pe sticla rece a paharului si noi nu ne oprim din vorbit…

This song was on: Tale of Us- Dark Song, meanwhile, the wine was slowly oozing on the cold crystal-clear glass…and we could now stop talking

Acum cateva zile, mergeam din nou la sala dupa o scurta pauza (dar era deja o pauza) de 4 zile. Antrenamentul pe care Andreea ni-l pregateste in fiecare seara evoluase din ceea ce stiam eu despre sala, la un alt nivel. Desigur, citisem bloguri, pareri, testasem deja faimosul Glowing Green Detox, dar nu am apucat sa experimentez antrenamentul alaturi de un antrenor personal.

Aceste patru zile de odihna, mi-au adus in urmatoarea dimineata febra musculara pe cap, asa ca am decis scurt: imi iau costumul de baie de la H&M, il arunc in geanta de sala portocalie in dungi, Nike, sun la Ramada, apoi o sun pe Mihaela: mergem la SPA, azi.


A few days ago, I was just hitting the gym again after a 4-days pause. The workout that Andreea suggested every night has been going to a whole other level. For sure I’ve been reading lots of blogs, opinions and I’ve already tried the famous Glowing Green Detox, but I’ve never got to experience with a personal trainer working next to you in the gym.

Those 4 days of rest brought me the next day a fabulous date with my sore muscles., so I’ve rapidly decided: I’ll take my H&M snake skin bath suite, I will trow it all in my neon orange Nike bag, call at the SPA (Ramada) and then call Mihaela. We must go to the SPA, today!


Privelistea era superba. Exact ceea ce ne lipsea, printre examene si febra musculara. Cea mai frumoasa priveliste a Clujului. S-ar putea sa nu fie totusi cea mai frumoasa, dar stand pe sezlongul verde brad si scanand rapid meniul de vinuri mi-am dat seama cat de bine ne e, prin simplul fapt ca stam acolo, inauntru, la caldura, iar ceea ce urma era pe cale sa devina mai frumos: un vin, o poveste, o sauna cu aburi (Stiti si voi cat de fina lasa pielea aceasta sauna cu aburi.)

Trecand de la sala la piscina si de la piscina la sauna cu aburi, mi-am propus ca, in timp ce ma relaxez, sa testez cateva dintre tatuajele pe care cei de la mi le-au trimis. Sa le testez, desigur, in conditii extreme! Apa, sauna, baie de aburi, costum de baie, dus, baretele unui maieu peste. Si au rezistat. Nu am sa pierd prea multa vreme facandu-va capul calendar despre ele, sunt doar niste tatuaje termporare care tin 3 pana la 10 zile, in functie de zona aleasa si de tipul vostru de piele. Sunt must-have item pentru cele care sunt curioase cum le-ar sta cu un tatuaj insa nu au ganduri serioase in aceasta privinta. Sunt de ocazie. Pe maini le-am folosit pe cele pentru unghii pe care ei le-au trimis. Nu rezista atat de bine ca fluturii, pe care ii gasim aici. De ce? Cel mai probabil pentru ca necesita un strat de lac transparent peste (vorbim de unghii aici). Probabil si inele, in combinatie cu apa si toate cele le-au mai stins din negrul intens.


Moving on from the gym to the pool, from the pool to the steam bath, I just wanted to hardcore-test my temporary tattoos from; of course I got the most terrible conditions for a brand-new temporary tattoo: warm water, steam, sauna, the bathing suit and right over it while we got back home, a tank top with tiny straps. And they did well. I will not waist much time telling you about them, they are just temporary tattoos best suiting the girls that don’t know if they actually will get along with a tattoo, is just a party-moment fun or so! For my hands I just used the nail tattoos they send over to me, they did not look good after all the SPA treatments we’ve gone trough, but I tend to put the blame on both the fact that they’re quite small and easy so disturb, and on the fact that they are for nails (in which case you will also have to apply a top coat of crystal clear nail polish…)

The view was delightful, it was exactly what we needed, between exams and sore muscles. This SPA is most likely to have the best view from Cluj Napoca. It might now be the best, I lately realised while checking the wine list, the fact that we were so pampered up there in the air, having a 360 degrees view over the city, it was warm, the music was relaxing and to all this you can add: a red wine, a long session of stories with M., a bath steam session…(you know the after-steam-bath baby skin feeling)






Fluturii rezista insa eroic. Eu comandasem alte tatuaje, insa am decis sa le incerc si pe acestea, cu gandul la faptul ca nu au primit ultimul meu email. Just the thing we need: The view, the wine, the steam, the music…

The butterflies are holding on pretty good. I actually ordered some other tattoos (as a collaboration), because the bigger the tattoo is, the harder it fades. I just thought, let’s see how these butterflies work. It was just what we missed in the 1st place: the view, the wine, the minty steam, the music… 


BTW, transpotrul e gratuit.

BTW, the shipping is free!


Have a great bubbly night girls, and make sure to attend Livio & Roby, here! We will make a super party on friday night, at Midi (six years of ClujLife)! Event here! See you on Instagram @alinaceusan





Instagram feed shot with the new Sony QX 100! Enter here to win!

Night Read: Rares Gall, click here // (fresh from Bucharest)



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