Category: Travel

Travel journal: Cannes, South of France

 Just as soon as we arrived in Nice’s airport, we were picked up by (name), in a black van. The[...]

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” — Frances Hodgson Burnett (The Secret Garden)

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” — Frances Hodgson Burnett (The Secret[...]

Meet my team #GlamStreetShow

On our way to #GlamStreetShow RO: Plecasem din Cluj Napoca undeva in jurul orei 12, dupa o intalnire rapida la[...]

Fashion Bloggers meet Timisoara: the video

RO: Din cand in cand impachetam tinutele de zi cu zi, ne urcam in masina si plecam spre un nou[...]

This is what best friends are for #shooting

 RO: Hey fetelor! Azi pozam pentru Revista Altfel din Timisoara, suntem la studio Sinpro si ne distram, ca de obicei.[...]

We arrived in Las Vegas

RO: Tocmai am ajuns in Las Vegas, unde vom sta cateva zile la The Cosmopolitan unde participam la Global Zoom 2015,[...]

Travel with us: the #WildWakeTrip video

RO: Dupa cum am promis, am revenit cu filmarea de la #WildWakeTrip. Sunt doar cateva cadre care surprind petrecerea si[...]