IN "Articles"
06 May 2015
MET GALA: “Hey Anna, what do I wear?”
EN: Good morning my dear girls, before you do anything else, just watch this video and enjoy a big, hot cup of coffee, to wake you up. Casey Neistat is an American film director, producer and creator of popular YouTube videos since 2010. Neistat is also the creator of the HBO series The Neistat Brothers. In this video he trades in his bicycle for a tux and takes on the year’s most glamorous—not to mention social media–restricted—party. Watch what happens when Neistat takes his selfie stick to the Met Gala. I think this is one of the funniest thing every, you just have to watch it:
RO: Buna dimineata, inainte de a face orice altceva, urmariti acest video (pregateste o cafea). Casey Neistat este un director de film, producator american si creatorul unui canal foarte popular pe Youtube, inca din 2010. Neistat se afla in spatele serialului The Neistat Brothers (HBO). In acest video da bicicleta personala pe un tuxedo si se indreapta spre cea mai glam petrecere a anului. Petrecere la care Vezi ce se intampla atunci cand Neistat ajunge cu selfie stick-ul sau, la Met Gala. Cred ca e unul dintre cele mai amuzante lucuri pe care le-am vazut vreodata, trebuie sa il vedeti:
Sources: Wikipedia,, Youtube.
EN: Rihanna was a stunner in her golden chinese look, she did her job, she researched, and she took it to the next level with this couture Guo Pei, the hair was flawless and her shoulders seemed to be somehow fragile in this oversized coat. She rocked a subtle makeup and slightly raised eyebrows to complete the her look. Of course some people won’t stop comparing her appearence to a big omelette, but damn, she owned it. It takes some guts to show up like this, and she lived up to her fashion icon status. What do you think about her look? What do you think about Neistat? Is you coffee cup empty now? Smile!
RO: Rihanna a studiat tema impusa in acest an si a dus totul la un alt nivel, purtand o creatie couture, a designerului Guo Pei. Parul arata impecabil, iar umerii par foarte feminini si fragili in acest oversized coat. Bine-nteles, a optat pentru cat eye, farduri in tonuri naturale si sprancene mai drepte, usor ridicate, care sa completeze look-ul ales. Multi nu se pot opri din a compara rochia vedetei cu o uriasa omleta, dar damn it, Rihanna are atitudinea potrivita pentru o astfel de aparitie, asa ca a demonstrat inca o data, faptul ca isi merita statutul de fashion incon. Cum ti se pare look-ul Rihannei? Ce spui despre Neistat? Mai ai cafea?
Jewellery from Cartier.
RO: “Uita de Oscaruri! Met Gala a ajuns singurul moment din calendarul fashion in care vedetele pot sa se imbrace over the top! Iar Rihanna a facut-o cu succes, si anul acesta, alegand o tinuta extravaganta Guo Pei Couture. Punem pariu ca vom vorbi mult timp, de acum inainte, despre uriasa trena galbena care a maturat cu stil scarile somptuoase de la Costume Institute.”
EN: “Forget about the Oscars! Met Gala is now the only moment on the fashion calendar when celebs can wear over-the-top looks! And Rihanna nailed it again, choosing this extravagant Guo Pei Couture. We can bet we will talk about this huge train dress, that gave the room a sweep with style, at Costume Institute.”
– Elle Romania, Top 10 Cel mai bine imbracate celebritati pe covorul rosu.