M·A·C COSMETICS opened a new store in IASI

M·A·C COSMETICS opened a new store in IASI
   RO: Ieri seara am participat la deschiderea magazinului M·A·C, din Palas Mall. Ajunse in Iasi dupa un drum destul de lung, apasasem butonul liftului si asteptam nerabdatoare sa ajungem in Atrium. Eram deja cu mana pe telefon, cu gandul sa sun si sa intreb unde mai exact trebuie sa ajungem, insa n-am mai apucat: usile liftului s-au deschis si, usor pe diagonala, in fata noastra, vazusem magazinul, care avea doua deschideri spre Atrium si iti da senzatia de spatiu liber, aerisit. Exact ca magazinele din aeroport. Pentru ca sarbatoream deschiderea noului magazin sub hashtag-ul #MacArtOfTheLip, am stat cuminte pe scaun si am asteptat ca make-up artista mea sa imi picteze buzele in nuante de visiniu, ombre. Ma intrebase la un moment dat, uitandu-se la tenul meu: ProLong Wear folosesti? Da – spun eu, NC40, l-am ales impreuna cu makeup artista mea MAC din Cluj, Loredana Lupea. Ea imi raspunde: banuiam eu, dupa 7 ore de drum doar ProLong Wear poate arata atat de bine. Well well, thumbs up for my favourite foundation from MAC. Cateva cocktailuri cu pepene mai tarziu, am dat iama in magazin, la shopping. Because you can’t stop the girls from being girls. Mood-ul de toamna si-a spus cuvantul, am optat pentru rujul mov inchis Cyber, un tus negru mat, gloss-ul indigo din colectia de toamna 2015, Vampify. La final am adaugat o pensula multifunctionala din colectia Haute Dogs, care este realizata atat par natural cat si din par sintetic, pentru o distribuire perfecta a produsului. Am testat-o in aceasta dimineata, impreuna cu fondul de ten si mi-a placut mult.
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EN: Last night I attended the opening event of a new M.A.C shop, found in Palas Mall. After a long road trip, we were waiting impatiently for the elevator to come and take us to Atrium. I was already reaching for my phone, thinking I should ask for directions, as the elevator doors opened and there it was: the shop was in front of us, with two large doors opened, looking airy and welcoming. Since we were celebrating the opening of the new shop under the #MacArtOfTheLip hashtag, I was quietly sitting down, waiting for my makeup artist to paint my lips in a burgundy ombre. As she looked at my skin, she asked: Do you use ProLong Wear? Yes, I answered, NC40, I picked it together with my makeup artist in Cluj, Loredana. She told me she could’ve sworn it’s that, only ProLong Wear can still look flawless after seven hours on the road. Thumbs up for my favourite foundation from MAC. A few melon cocktails later, we got down shopping. Because you can’t stop girls from being girls. The Autumn mood took charge, since I got Cyber, the dark purple lipstick, a matte black eyeliner, the indigo lip gloss from the Autumn 2015 collection, Vamplify and topped it all with a multifunctional brush from the Haute Dogs collection. It’s made from both natural and synthetic hair, for a flawless application. I tested it this morning with my foundation and loved it. Below you have some photos from last night’s event, enjoy!
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   RO: Fondul M.A.C. pentru SIDA – inima si sufletul brand-ului M.A.C. Cosmetics – a fost fondat in 1994 pentru a sustine barbati, femei si copii afectati de HIV/SIDA la nivel mondial. Pana in prezent MAF a strans peste 200 de milioane de dolari (U.S.) exclusiv din vanzarea rujurilor si glossurilor M.A.C. VIVA GLAM, donand 100% din pretul de vanzare pentru lupta impotriva HIV/SIDA. Rujul meu nude preferat, despre care v-am mai scris si pe social media, este MAC Viva Glam II, nuanta pe care o recomand cu mare placere, e nude-ul perfect, pe care il cautam de multa vreme. Iar daca poti ajuta in acelasi timp, trebuie sa fie alegerea perfecta.

EN: The M.A.C found for AIDS – the core of M.A.C Cosmetics – was founded in 1994 in order to support men, women and children affected by HIV/AIDS globally. MAF has raised over 200 million dollars solely from the sale of M.A.C Viva Glam lipsticks and lipglosses, donating the whole profit to the fight against HIV/AIDS. My favourite lipstick, about which I wrote about on social media, is MAC Viva Glam II, a shade which I warmly recommend, the perfect nude. If you can help in the same time, it must be the perfect choice.

Look by Ingrid Teodosiu SS 2016, Black hat from H&M, Lace-up Sandals from Zara.
Photos by talented Anca Cheregi.
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  •  M·A·C are peste 1400 de locatii in peste 70 de tari din lume, iar magazinul din Iasi este cel de-al saptelea magazin deschis in tara noastra.
  •  M.A.C. este prezent  in culisele a peste 300 de reprezentatii la Fashion Week-urile din Londra, Milano, si Paris.
  •  Astazi, M·A·C, detinut de Estée Lauder Companies, reprezinta fundamentul culturii populare, a modei si a frumusetii.
  •  Pana in prezent MAF a strans peste 200 de milioane de dolari (U.S.) exclusiv din vanzarea rujurilor si glossurilor M.A.C. VIVA GLAM, donand 100% din pretul de vanzare pentru lupta impotriva HIV/SIDA
  • Make-up Art Cosmetics (M.A.C.) a fost fondat in 1984 in Toronto de catre Frank Toskan, make-up artist si fotograf, si Frank Angelo, proprietarul unui salon de frumusete, pentru a sustine nevoile make-up artistilor profesionisti.
  • Motto-ul brandului – “All races, all sexes, all ages” (“Toate rasele, indiferent de sex, indiferent de varsta”)


  •  M.A.C has over 1400 locations in over 70 countries in the world and the shop from Iasi is the seventh in our country.
  •  M.A.C is currently in the backstage of over 300 shows from the London, Milan and Paris fashion weeks.
  •  Today, M.A.C, owned by Estee Lauder Companies, represents the fundament of popular culture, fashion and beauty.
  • MAF has raised over 200 million dollars solely from the sale of M.A.C Viva Glam lipsticks and lip glosses, donating the whole profit to the fight against HIV/AIDS.
  •  Make-up Art Cosmetics was founded in 1984 in Toronto by Frank Toskan, make-up artist and photographer, and Frank angelo, the owner of a beauty salon, in order to support the needs of professional makeup artists.
  • The motto of the brand – “All races, all sexes, all ages”
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