IN "New York"
18 February 2014
London News & The Woman

Ieri a fost o zi tare mohorata la Cluj, am decis sa va arat un look simplu, pe care l-am purtat ultima data cand am fost la Targu Mures. Urmeaza sa revin saptamana asta pentru ca am inceput colaborarea cu Promenada Mall Targu Mures si urmeaza sa va pregatim o surpriza dupa ce ne intoarcem de la Londra! Am primit biletele la London Fashion Weekend, (see on instagram @alinaceusan). Luxe Guest, Friday 21 February 2014. Intr-un fel chiar aveam nevoie de o escapada undeva, pentru ca prima noastra vacanta pe anul acesta (martie – Valencia si Barcelona) e inca departe.
Astept cu nerabdare sa mergem si in Barcelona pentru ca vom merge la showroom-ul bijutierilor de la Crystal and Chrome, dar deocamdata ma gandesc doar la Londra, la vantul care ne asteapta si la tinutele la care m-am gandit pentru zilele noastre la Londra. Astept cu nerabdare aceasta excursie si sper sa putem face un nou video pentru rubrica Travel With US, dar asta depinde mult de obiectivul pe care il vom avea pe aparatul foto… Astept dupa cum spuneam sa revin de la Londra cu o privire de ansamblu peste tredurile anului 2014, avand in vedere ca show-ul din 21 e powered by THEOUTNET.COM, site care are in palmares brand-uri ca: Alexander McQueen, Michael Kors, Sergio Rossi, The Sartorialist, Versace sau Valentino…
E un site frumos, unde poti gasi item-uri superbe la preturi mici. Desigur sunt si preturi foarte mari…
So yesterday was a kinda’ rainy day at Cluj, so I decided that I want to show you a simple look, worn last time we shot in Targu Mures.I’m going back this week, due to the fact that we’ve just started a collaboration with Promenada Mall Targu Mures, and we will prepare a surprise for you, for the 22nd of Feburary, when we will be back from London. Am primit azi prin posta biletele de la london Fashion Weekend, (see later on instagram). Luxe guest, Friday 21 February 2014. I really needed a break like this wit Raul, because our 1st holiday for 2014, is in march, when we will be in Valencia for a couple days, and then in Barcelona. I’m really looking forward to meet & greet the Crystal & Chrome team, at their showroom in Barcelona. Right now, I’m thinking about the windy weather, and I’m doing the outfit combos for our days in London. I can’t wait to go, and I hope we will be able to make a movie for Travel With Us page on blog, but it’s really more of a lens issue. I’m looking forward to come back from London with a fresh view over the trends of 2014, mostly because the show is powered by THEOUTNET.COM, a site that sales brands like Alexander McQueen, Michael Kors, Sergio Rossi, The Sartorialist, Versace or Valentino…
It’a nice site where you can find designer items at very good sale prices. There are of course some high ones…
Dar gasim si reduceri consistente. (Am selectat aceasta pereche, pe care o astept in final sales, din pacate mai este doar marimea IT24)
But we also find some good sales. (I’ve selected those Sergio Rossi sandals because they were on sale, but only for size 34IT)
Here’s the look I’ve been talking about! Enjoy the day and read a little surprise at the end of the post!
Check out my SPRING TRNDS inspirational album for 2014 – i think I’m falling in love with all lavender hues, and the floral sunsets!
Choies Black Side Zipped Blazer
SH Fur Collar
Zilele acestea am aflat ca voi fi unul dintre bloggeri oficiali la happening-ul The Woman 2014, una dintre cele mai asteptate event-uri ale anului 2014. In cel mai sincer mod nu pot decat sa ma bucur pentru avem o multime de surprize pentru voi in legatura cu acest event – Conferinta de Business Feminin. Femeile invitate ca si vorbitoare pe scena The Woman sunt femei de afaceri ale pietei autohtone, care fie conduc corporatii internationale, fie produc branduri romanesti, sau pur si simplu lucreaza si se implica in proiectele care le pasioneaza. In sfarsit, inca o zi in care avem foarte multe de invatat de la femei care au trecut deja prin ceea ce urmeaza sa trecem, e un eveniment pe care il recomand cu mare caldura bloggerilor, femeilor de afaceri si pur si simplu oricarei fete care vrea sa priveasca de acum inainte altfel optiunea de a incepe o afacere proprie. In opinia mea, astfel de evenimente ar trebui sustinute de bloggeri, presa, media in general pentru ca simplul fapt ca ajungi sa participi la o astfel de conferinta iti poate schimba in bine modul de a gandi. Eu am fost la cateva conferinte pana acum si va spun in cel mai sincer mod va ajuta. Va ajuta la fel de mult ca o iesire in lume, ca o plimbare intr-un loc nou, care te inspira si te face sa iti doresti mai mult de propria persoana si in general, de la viata. Gasiti aici mai multe informatii, despre eveniment, despre speakeri, despre pretul biletului, insa ramaneti cu noi, pentru ca va vom tine la curent cu tot ceea ce se va intampla pana in data de 7 martie si dupa cum spuneam avem o serie de surprize pe blog, pentru voi. Vorbesc la plural pentru ca nu sunt singura, ci membra unei echipe de oameni entuziasti, bloggeri clujeni: Ioana Chisiu, Madalina Merca si Sandra Bendre. (click pe numele fiecarui blog pentru a gasi articolul lor despre #THEWOMAN14)
So last week I found out I was chosen to be one of the official bloggers for The Woman 2014, which is the hottest event in town this year. I’m honestly very happy because we have a lot of surprises for you guys, regarding this event – Conferinta de Business Feminin. The women are really inspirational icons of our times, they are business women, they run international corporations ore design romanian brands. Anyway, this is another day in which we can learn more from women that made it big in this country and even abroad. This is a big event, so I recommend it to bloggers, to business women and every single one of you, because it changes the way you see the possibility of starting your own business. In my opinion the bloggers, the press and the media in general should let people know about this kind of events, due to the fact that this conference can change the way you think. I’ve been to several conferences until now, and I can tell you: the events really help! Events like this help you as much as a trip to a new place, as a walk in a new spot, that inspires you to want to do more for yourself, and to expect more from life. So you cand find more info about the event here, but stay tuned because we will fill you up with all the details, until the 7th of March. I’m talking like this, because I’m not alone in this, but into a big team of enthusiast local bloggers: Ioana Chisiu, Madalina Merca & Sandra Bendre (Click on each name to hit their post about #THEWOMAN14)
Astept cu nerabdare articolul de maine, pentru ca voi anunta noi colaborari si noi proiecte, pe blog 😀 Voi la ce conferinte de acest gen ati participat? Va pup, ne vedem pe Instagram, am fugit in lume!
I’m looking forward to write the next post, due to the fact that we’re announcing new collaborations and new projects, on blog 😀 What kind of events like this have you been to? Kisses, see you on Instagram, I’m gone, I’ve got some warderlust to keep up with…
Recomandare – OANA PELLEA