IN "Articles"
05 June 2015
It’s the simple things in life, like when and where
Now nothing seems as strange as when the leaves began to change
Or how we thought those days would never end
Sometimes I’ll hear that song and I’ll start to sing along
Photographer – Danciu Stefana
Chic Diva White Lace Top | Chic Diva Ripped Denim Shorts | H&M Sunglesses in Gold | Terranova Gray Flat Sport Shoes.
RO: Asta e piesa mea preferata de la Kid Rock. Acum cateva zile (pe 1 iunie, mai exact) ne indreptam spre lacul Tarnita, aveam geamul masinii deschis si in fundal mergea “All summer long”. Ma agatasem de versurile mele preferate: Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking ’bout tomorrow / Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long... Raul apasa pedala acceleratiei si al II-lea baraj se pierde in urma noastra. Ma bucura faptul ca suntem in sfarsit in luna iunie si avem toata vara in fata, avem sansa unor noi amintiri, avem libertatea de a face ceea ce ne dorim si vom merge la o multime de concerte si festivaluri. Voi ce happening-uri aveti pe lista in aceasta vara? Noi mergem la Electric Castle si Untold, planuim vacanta din august si asteptam cu sufletul la gura urmatoarele evenimente marca Alandala. Let me know where I can meet you guys!
EN: This is my favorite song from Kid Rock. A few days ago (on 1st of June, to be more accurate) we were heading towards lake Tarnita. The windows were opened and “All summer long” was in the background. I kept my favorite lyrics in my head: Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking ’bout tomorrow / Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long. Raul was pushing the gas pedal all the way down and the the 2nd barrage got lost behind us. I’m so happy it’s finally June and we have a full summer ahead, I can’t wait for all the concerts and the festivals to actually start so I can wear my festival looks and just enjoy that pure freedom feeling. What festivals are you attending this summer? We are going to Untold and Electric Castle, we’re already planning our summer holiday and we literally can’t wait for the next Alandala events. Let me knot where I can meet you guys!
Lots of Love, A.