“Gorgeous hair is the best revenge” – TESTING Philips Moisture Protect

“Gorgeous hair is the best revenge” – TESTING Philips Moisture Protect


RO: Aceasta nuanta de blond rose nu este usor de obtinut. In primul rand, pentru a ajunge la o baza atat de deschisa, trebuie sa ma decolorez, iar apoi sa ma nuantez, asa ca acord foarte mare atentie ingrijirii parului. In alte cuvinte, am fost persoana perfecta care trebuia sa testeze acest uscator de par, de la Philips. Senzorul Moisture Protect, detecteaza nivelul natural de hidratare din parul tau si adapteaza temperatura feonului astfel incat parul sa iti pastreze stralucirea si vitalitatea. Hai sa vedem care este rezultatul intalnirii mele cu Philips Moisture Protect.

EN: You all know I bleach my hair to get this pinkish blonde color. That is why I really need to pay attention to how I protect it. I tested out the Philips Moisture Protect hairdryer today to see if it could help me out. What I really liked about it was the special sensor: the Moisture Protect sensor checks the level of natural hydration in your hair and adapt the blow drying temperature to keep your hair shiny and healthy. Let’s see the result:

video & edit by Emil Costrut

Love, A.

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