Category: Featured

The Girl with the Red Coat

PRESS PLAY   This weekend we had a special shooting in my hometown, featuring some of my favorite items from[...]

My top 5 wardrobe must-haves

About the time I started craving for some turtlenecks, winter took a rain check on Cluj and sent some really[...]

Operatiunea demachierea 2.o

Sa inceapa #OperatiuneaDemachierea 2.0 Long story short: NIVEA ne-a provocat sa ducem mai departe campania de educare asupra demachierii si in[...]

Glamour Romania, November 2016

Glamour Romania, November 2016. 0

Vintage denim with rose tattoo effect

“Surround yourself with smart, dedicated people – to build something isn’t a one-man show. It’s more important to have smart[...]

24 de ore cu NOI2 + Tommy Hilfiger

Tin minte ca rasfoiam reviste si gaseam adesea o pagina alba, pe care, in cadran rotund se inghesuiau cateva cuvinte simple[...]

It’s almost 2017… 2016 was the fastest year. #ElleStyleAwards

FAST FORWARD: IT’S DECEMBER. The countdown has started with the 2016th edition of the Elle Style Awards just around the[...]