IN "Articles"
04 January 2015
Afternoon in Mallnitz

Hello dear girls and happy new year! We are still in Mallnitz, Austria, having a few relaxing days after NYE Party. The weather was really nice today, it just got warmer and warmer so we went out for a walk and snapped some pictures of an all-knit outfit, featuring an Ocko Shop camel knit skirt, a H&M white blouse I got from and a Zara faux fur collar. Let’s be stylish even on holiday! Hope you are having a great start of the year this week!
Salutare fetelor si un an nou fericit! Inca ne aflam in Mallnitz, am decis sa mai ramanem cateva zile in plus, sa ne bucuram de relaxarea pe care muntele o ofera, dupa petrecerea de anul nou. Vremea s-a incalzit destul de mult, asa ca am iesit la plimbare cu Raul. Am purtat o fusta tricotata de la Ocko Shop, un pulover alb de la H&M pe care il am de pe si un guler faux fur de la Zara. Let’s be stylish even on holiday! Sper ca si voi aveti parte de relaxarea mult-meritata dupa perioada sarbatorilor!
Love, A.