Snowflake Jewelry

Snowflake Jewelry

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Sunt intr-o graba totala, vreau sa montez video-ul pe care l-am promis (Making of the Xmas tree) pentru ca la inceput zic “mai este aproximativ o saptamana pana la Craciun” pe un ton vesel – si iata ca mai sunt doar cateva zile. Plec imediat spre Iulius sa cumpar tot ce am nevoie pentru impachetarea cadourilor. Anul acesta am decis sa le impachetez simplu, am sa folosesc o hartie Kraft, cateva crengute de brad si vreo 20 de metri de funda alba. Vreau ca aceste cadouri sa arate de parca ar fi venit de la Polul Nord. Intre timp v-am postat una din piesele mele preferate si fotografii cu bijuteriile de la FashionYouLove – nu stiu ce colier sa port de Craciun. Poate ma ajutati voi in privinta asta…

Care e preferatul vostru?

Voi sunteti pregatite pentru Craciun, ati impachetat cadourile, ce culori ati folosit?

Noi le impachetam in aceasta seara, impreuna cu Simina si Dragos + vin cald cu scortisoara, stafide si alte mirodenii specifice ♥


I’m in a total rush trying to get out of the house, I just want to finish the Xmas video, because in the very begining     Today I’m going to shop gift wrapping items and about 20m of crisp white ribbon. I’ve decided to wrap my gifts with simple toffee toned paper to make them look like old gifts shipped from the North Pole. I will add white bows on each and every gift to make them look snowy. Meanwhile, I wanted you to se the superb necklaces from FashionYouLove. I just can’t decide which one to wear for Christmas and maybe you will help me with this little issue.

Which is your favourite?

Are you ready for Christmas?

Are all your gifts wrapped up, and if they are what colour did you go for?

We are wrapping them tonight with Simina and Dragos + mulled wine along with various spices, cinnamon and raisins ♥

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1. Global Crystal (170ron – now 90 ron)

2. Crystal Feather (130ron – now 65ron)

 3. Decent (70ron)

 4. Crystal Joy (110ron – now 69ron)

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