IN "Articles"
15 July 2015
Operatiunea Demachierea #2
# Beauty

RO: Acesta este al II-lea video pe care l-am realizat in colaborare cu Nivea Romania. Azi va impartasesc doua din trucurile mele pentru o demachiere rapida si eficienta. Care este trucul vostru preferat de demachiere, atunci cand folositi apa micelara?
EN: This is our 2nd video we’ve made in collaboration with Nivea Romania. Today I wanna show you two of my cleansing tricks for a fast and efficient make-up removing routine: using two cotton pads at a time to remove my eye makeup and dipping a cotton swab in Micellar water to deep-clean the eye area and remove any makeup that might be left around my eyes. Which is your favorite cleansing trick when it comes to using micellar water?