IN "Fashion"
07 June 2015
Lumea sa zica “Il cunosc! A stat in bloc cu mine”
1 iunie 2o15 #tarnitavibes.
RO: V-am lasat mai jos cateva fotografii de la ponton. Pe intai iunie, am fost (yet again) la Tarnita. S-au ascultat diverse, am purtat fusta de la Ingrid Teodosiu (multumesc, suflet) si ne-am simtit bine. Nici macar ploaia nu ne-a oprit. Pozele explica si muzica sustine.
EN: Here are some pictures from my actual birthday (1st of June). We’ve been to the lake again. We’ve been listening to various artists, I’ve been wearing that beautiful skirt from Ingrid Teodosiu (thank you, sweetheart) and we had so much fun. I mean… nothing stopped us, not even the rain. The pictures explain and the music backs it all up: