IN "Articles"
19 December 2016
Fancy winning a faux fur tonight?
# Articles
RO: Nu stiu ce faceti voi, insa la noi in perioada asta e mare nebunie, avem foarte mult de lucru si prea putine momente de respiro. Daca a trecut insa o noua zi, trebuie sa aducem un nou giveaway pe blog si o noua intrebare curioasa. Azi puteti castiga o blana neagra cu fir lung din colectia mea cu TGH Fashion. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a va inscrie este sa acceptati provocarea #JoinTheConversation si sa raspundeti la intrebarea zilei. Good luck!
EN: I don’t know how you are but this time of the year is pure madness for us. We have so so so much work to do before the holidays and few moments of rest. Anyway, since it’s the 19th of December, we have to announce a new giveaway – today I’m giving away a black faux fur from my FW 2016 collection with TGH Fashion. All you have to do to enter is to accept the #JoinTheConversation challenge and answer today’s question. Good luck!
19th of December
RO: Care sunt calitatile tale preferate la o femeie?
EN: Which are your favorite qualities in a woman?
Lucky no. 133