IN "Articles"
28 April 2015

EN: It couldn’t be spring without us taking a picture next to a blooming tree. We’ve searched that damn tree for a couple of weeks and yes, we found it. The biggest magnolia in town is right next to the white Casino, vis-a-vis the lake. Yesterday, I wore a Zara Romper and I’ve layered a simple net top from Emese Bako for a bit of texture, in this black look. I worn Costume National sunglasses. One of you wrote me an email and asked me to post some inspiring looks for the 1st of May – for Sunwaves to be more specific, and I will give you that, later tonight in our latest “Shop with me” episode, filmed by Adi Movila.
We don’t really care that much about the “spring” hashtag, but the Instagram deserves to be full of inspirational pictures from wherever you are, this time of the year. Just grab a bouquet of liliac and bring it home like I did (and by “bring it home” I mean “buy it from the local market, and bring it home”). I know, I’ve been known for talking more about clothes rather than flowers, but today I’m selling flower-related emotions.
Get out in the park, grab a blanket and a cool headset and listen to your favourite music under a fully-bloomed tree. It will change you day! If you are stressed out just listen to the birds and watch the clouds swifting above. Coffee, anyone?
RO: Nu putea sa treaca primavara, fara o poza langa o magnolie, vreun par sau la umbra unui cires inflorit. Am cautat afurisitul ala de copac vreo 2 saptamani si l-am gasit. Nu glumesc. Cea mai mare magnolie din Cluj se afla langa Parcul Central, vis-a-vis de lacul cu lebede. Ieri am purtat o salopeta cu spatele gol de la Zara, peste ea un top Emese Bako pentru putina textura intr-o tinuta neagra… Si o pereche de ochelari CostumeNational. Cineva imi scria pe email sa postez niste tinute pentru 1 mai / Sunwaves. Asa ca in aceasta seara vom avea online noul episod din seria “Shop with me” care se va ocupa de aceasta dilema.
Departe de noi hashtag-ul #spring, insa Instagramul merita sa fie plin de fotografii frumoase, cu primavara, asa cum e ea, unde te-ai afla. Am asteptat cu sufletul la gura primele crengute de liliac si le-am adus acasa. (A se citi le-am cumparat din Piata si le-am adus acasa!) te bucura, improspateaza aerul si da un suflu proaspat camerei tale. Stiu, te-ai astepta sa-ti vand ponturi despre jeansi si sandale, insa azi vand flori. Emotia florilor.
Iesiti in parc, luati o patura, luati niste casti cu voi si ascultati muzica sub vre-un pom doldora de flori. O sa vi se schimbe ziua. Coffee, anyone?
Love, A.
Coffee and lots of emails, at Marty
THE AKG HEADSET (wireless) – Y45BT from
ZARA ROMPER | EMESE BAKO NET TOP | COSTUMENATIONAL SUNGLASSES | GLAM GOLD SHOES DIVA CHARMS | NET SOCKS (yeah, just like that) + a beautiful fringed leather clutch from ANILEDA. (Order here)